1. December 16, 2024
    • Fixed bug where sharp/flat keys weren't getting correctly passed to YouTube queries.
    • Improved the auto-detect logic for identifying a YouTube video's key and scale.
  2. December 15, 2024
    • Added a 12 fret count option for smaller screens and more focus.
  3. December 14, 2024
    • Migrated from .NET 6 to .NET 9.
    • Removed Twitter links.
    • Added links to Bluesky and Mastodon accounts.
  4. October 31, 2021
    • Fixed bug where the first search (scale, key, etc.) would play an incorrect video but subsequent searches worked.
    • Stopped updating the URL in the browser every time a new video was played. Will switch to providing a way to share a link to current video instead.
    • Tons of code refactoring behind the scenes.
  5. October 30, 2021
    • Migrated from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6.
  6. October 29, 2021
    • Fixed search by key, scale, lick, and text. YouTube deprecated the search method I previously used.
  7. April 4, 2020
    • Fixed CAGED and 3NPS labels. Problem due to migration to .NET Core and missing one of the function call's casing changes.
  8. April 3, 2020
    • Mixed things up a bit more so that the first track from every playlist is randomized.
    • Internal: JavaScript tests are now running again (broke during refactoring changes to move to .NET Core).
  9. April 1, 2020
    • Backing tracks from playlists (e.g., genres) are now shuffled to keep things fresh.
  10. March 31, 2020
    • Updated feedback links to point to the GuitarTube Trello page.
    • Fretboard markers/dots are circles again instead of strange little ovals.
  11. March 30, 2020
    • Migrated the project to .NET Core 3.1.
  12. July 3, 2019
    • Moved the site to be hosted on Azure.
  13. January 6, 2018
    • Added a welcome tour of the site to help new users quickly see how the site works.
    • Also added a more detailed tour of the site that users can go through by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
  14. January 6, 2018
    • Added a welcome tour of the site to help new users quickly see how the site works.
    • Also added a more detailed tour of the site that users can go through by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
  15. January 6, 2018
    • Added a welcome tour of the site to help new users quickly see how the site works.
    • Also added a more detailed tour of the site that users can go through by clicking on the link at the top of the page.
  16. November 13, 2017
    • Changed colors of root notes to make them stand out a bit more.
    • Cleaned up page header.
  17. October 27, 2017
    • Introduced a new Triads mode which only shows the root, 3rd, and 5th scale degrees on the fretboard. Look for it in the Settings menu (the gear icon in the bottom right).
    • Moved the Prefer pentatonic option to the Settings menu where it makes more sense.
  18. August 13, 2017
    • Now highlight the 3rd/5th scale degrees in a different color to make them stand out a bit more. E.g., it should make finding triads easier.
  19. August 12, 2017
    • Added a Prefer pentatonic option in the Scale menu. Should be handy for anyone wanting to focus on the pentatonic scales.
  20. January 8, 2017
    • New blog for the site is now up and running: blog.guitartube.org.
    • Moved to a more permanent hosting provider.
  21. December 30, 2016
    • Added support for the 3 Notes Per String system (3NPS).
  22. December 25, 2016
    • You can now set key and scale via query string parameters ('key' and 'scale').
    • Fixed bug around playlistid URL param no longer working.
    • Now use 'f' and 's' to represent flats and sharps respectively. This is primarily relevant to whenever notes are specified in query string parameters.
    • Fixed bug in auto-detect code around ampersand characters messing things up.
    • Fixed click region of share buttons.
    • Lots and lots of tests written now that there's a fair amount of code behind the scenes and it was starting to get easy to regress things.
  23. December 21, 2016
    • Fretboard gets cleared whenever auto-detection of key/scale type fails.
    • Added support for a new URL parameter called 's' to enable searching via URL.
    • Fixed bug that made user searches return less relevant results.
  24. December 20, 2016
    • Added support for a new query parameter called 'fb' to set the key and scale via the URL. This is a temporary thing as I will be adding more specific parameters soon.
  25. December 19, 2016
    • Tons of code refactoring, especially on the JavaScript side. What's different to users you ask? Nothing (if I didn't mess anything up).
  26. December 18, 2016
    • Improved auto-detection logic for key and scale/mode type.
    • New logo added.
  27. December 16, 2016
    • The CAGED system positions are now identified above and below the fretboard.
    • Address bar now gets automatically updated for the current backing track. That means you could now share the URL with friends to send them a link to this site and a specific video.
    • Lots of tweaks and work in the core engine.
  28. December 12, 2016
    • You can now watch lick playlists in specific keys.
    • You can now share the current backing track on Twitter by clicking on Tweet button next to the track's title.
    • Sharing through Facebook is now available too.
    • Added a Twitter follow button to the footer.
    • Added a Facebook Like button to the footer.
  29. December 11, 2016
    • Searching now focuses more on backing tracks automatically increasing the likelihood of what you'll get back being something you can jam to.
    • Basic updates to site to get some minimal SEO requirements in place.
  30. December 10, 2016
    • Fixed up menu mouse pointers, highlight hovers, etc.
  31. December 8, 2016
    • Tons of responsive layout and CSS improvements. Tons.
  32. December 7, 2016
    • You can now choose a mode/scale and a playlist gets created for you that focuses on that mode/scale.
    • You can now choose a key/root and a playlist gets created for you that focuses on that key/root.
    • Improved auto-detection logic around pentatonic scales.
    • Fixed bug auto-detect failed due to a 'special' characters in the video's metadata. The calls to the web api were getting blocked.
  33. December 6, 2016
    • Pretty significant facelift over the last couple days.
    • Added playlists for many genres. Full list now is: Acoustic, Blues, Country, Funk, Grunge, Jazz, Metal, Pop, Punk, Reggae, and Rock.
  34. December 4, 2016
    • Fretsy is now GuitarTube.org.
    • Added a new Help page along with an FAQ with tips on how to get to additional stuff.
  35. December 3, 2016
    • You can now search for videos to jam to. For example, search for "dorian lessons" and you'll get a playlist made for you on the fly.
    • Updated list of available tunings to (hopefully) make them more intuitive.
    • Menus for the fretboard toolbar now drop up instead of down.
  36. December 2, 2016
    • You can now change the number of strings and tuning used on the fretboard.
    • Now accept YouTube playlist ID via query parameters (E.g., http://guitartube.org/?playlistid=PLbs_3knIqd9Xg3aFRWVOJjCRXbmqYciXN).
    • Moved options from header to fretboard area (makes more sense there methinks).
  37. December 1, 2016
    • By default now show scale degrees. Can be disabled via new option.
    • Users can now select the number of frets to show on the fretboard.
    • Now accept YouTube video ID via query parameters (E.g., http://guitartube.org?videoid=8FD6tntABXs).
    • Much improved auto-detection of root/key and scale/modes.
    • Added link to project roadmap site in footer.
    • Made the embedded YouTube player smaller.
  38. November 30, 2016
    • Added "Minor Harmonic" to the list of selectable scales.
    • Added an option for left-handed folks. Click on the gear icon in the top left to get to it.
  39. November 29, 2016
    • New playlist added: Metal, Uptempo Blues, Funk.
    • Playlists are now shuffled and looped by default except for the first track in each list.
    • Disabled automatically playing videos. User now has to click on the play button to get things going.
    • More improvements for narrower browsers.
    • Posted about the site on Reddit and got some good feedback.
  40. November 28, 2016
    • Added support for selecting genres of playlists to jam to.
    • Fretboard now fits in a portrait mode iPhone 6 or higher.
    • Disabled YouTube's default behavior of showing videos full screen on mobile devices as that kind of makes this little site a bit useless.
    • Bug fix: Going back and forth between pages quickly would sometimes cause the YT player to not show up.
  41. November 27, 2016
    • Color of toolbar above fretboard now reflects confidence in ability to auto-detect the root and scale type of song. Green means high confidence, yellow means maybe, red means there's no chance so you'll have to pick your own.
    • Many improvements to auto detection of video's root note and scale type.
  42. November 26, 2016
    • Automatically parse video titles and update fretboard accordingly. Still a work in progress: only detects titles that use "G Major" style format.
    • Added links to About, Changes, and Feedback pages in the header.
  43. November 25, 2016
    • Shared link on Twitter.